The Parents and Citizens' Association (P&C) is open to all parents, carers and citizens of the Arncliffe Public School community. The P&C is an avenue for parents to participate in the running of the school and is also a place to find out what's happening, make a comment, raise a concern or ask a question. Together with our fabulous Principal and school staff, we coordinate functions and great projects to help make Arncliffe Public School an even better place for our kids!
What does the P&C do?
- It raises awareness to the many aspects involved in day to day school life.
- It promotes a positive learning and social environment.
- It is a forum for parents to find out what's happening and what can be done to help.
- It raises funds to provide facilities, services and equipment for the school.
- It represents parents in the development of school policy.
- It promotes the culture of Arncliffe Public School and the welfare of students.
- We organise events which encourage the school community to get together and get to know each other.
How to get involved
The P&C usually meets twice per month, once in the evening, once in the morning. The evening meetings are held on the Tuesday of Week 3 each term starting at 6.30pm in the Staffroom. The morning meetings are held on the Friday of week 8 each term starting at 9.10am in the Kindergarten Rooms.
Meetings are attended by the school Principal and on occasion we may also have a guest speaker on topics of interest. The meetings are friendly and informal. The P&C can't function without volunteers - lots and lots of volunteers!
Think you might like to get involved? We'd love to hear from you. Please email us at